The Wildlife Series


{short description of image}


This engraving shows a pair of bitterns, a rare and endangered

bird that inhabits my home region of East Anglia. They are

very reclusive so I made the bird on the nest well camoflaged

and difficult to spot. This engraving was made for

"The Millenium Ark". This is a project involving 26 members

of the Society of Wood engravers, each contributing an image.

The final print is stunning and can be seen here (click).

Copies are still available from the S.W.E., priced at £280.

I do not have the block for this print at the moment.

I have a few copies available and the rest will be printed

when the block is returned to me. Here is an enlarged version:

{short description of image}


Image size: 60 x 65 mm

Engraved on a boxwood block and printed by

the artist in an edition of 100 copies on Zerkall

paper using a Vandercook proof press.



This image is © Andy English 2000 and must not be

reproduced without written permission from the artist.

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